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Australia Immigration

The US Turns Its Back on Skilled Migrants: Gives Australia a Boost

Published on : November 19, 2020

Key Highlights:

  • Advantage to Australia
  • US Immigration Policy Changes
  • Declining Fertility in the United States
  • List of Most Favoured Nations
  • Welcome to Australia


This is an opening for Australia. The United States has turned its back on skilled migrants.

The outgoing Trump administration recently presided over the US immigration policy changes. They came out with one of the most dramatic tightenings since the 1930s.

Traditionally, the United States has been the favoured destination for skilled migrants across the world. Almost half of the skilled migrants coming from OECD countries, and about one-third globally preferred the US.

Declining Fertility in the United States

The declining fertility is a concern for the United States government. Even before the onset of the COVID pandemic, the population fell to its lowest rate in the last 100 years.  

Annual Percentage Change in the population in USA and Australia


List of the Most Favoured Nations 

Australia is a close substitute country of choice for prospective skilled migrants. It ranks fourth below the US, Canada, and Germany as a favoured destination.

Top Desired Destinations for potential Migrants

Welcome to Australia

Actions taken by the Trump administration provide an opportunity to Australia to capture global talent, which otherwise would have gone to the US. This is an increasingly restrictive approach that would eventually benefit Australia.  

Topics: Migrate, USA




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