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UK Visa

UK’s New HPI Visa Route: Indians that have Studied Abroad are Eligible

Published on : May 31, 2022

Launch of the new UK visa route for graduates from leading non-UK global universities. No UK job offer required.

On Monday, May 30, 2022, the UK Government launched a new UK visa route for recent graduates of top global universities that intend to work - or look for work - in the UK, after having successfully completed an eligible course of study equivalent to a UK Bachelor’s Degree or above. To be eligible for the newly-launched High Potential Individual (HPI) visa route, the study must have been completed with an institution on the Global Universities List.

There is no requirement for sponsorship. Dependents (a partner and children) can be included. Not leading to UK settlement, the HPI route lets you stay in the UK for a minimum of two years. To meet the HPI eligibility, you must have been awarded a qualification by an eligible non-UK university within the previous five years. UK universities are not eligible.

How long can I stay in the UK on HPI visa status?

Permission to stay will be for a period as per the qualification of the applicant, acquired within the previous five years from an eligible university.


High Potential Individual (HPI) Visa Route - Period of Stay Allowed

Type of Degree

Period of stay

PhD or other doctoral level qualification

3 years

All other degree qualifications

2 years


What is the cost to get a HPI visa for the UK?

The overall costs will depend on whether you are applying as a single applicant or with dependents. As per the UK Visas and Immigration, you - along with your partner or children - will each have to pay the application fee and healthcare surcharge. Enough personal savings will also have to be proved.

UK High Potential Individual (HPI) Visa: How much will it cost?




In Great Britain Pounds (GBP)

In India Rupees (INR) approximately

Ecctis (for checking qualification is valid)



Visa application fee



Health surcharge

2 years - £1,248


3 years - £1,872


Supporting yourself in the UK



Per xe.com. 1 GBP = 97.9051 INR on May 31, 2022.

 How to apply for UK HPI visa?

Applications to be made online on the gov.uk website as per the specified form. An individual can apply from outside the UK or from within the UK.

What is the points requirement for HPI visa route?

A total of 70 points will have to be scored as per a set criteria.

UK’s High Potential Individual Visa Route - Points Requirement


Points Available

Global Universities List degree requirement


English language requirement at B1


Financial requirement



Provided they are able to secure the required points, graduates from the world’s top non-Uk universities - including Indian students - can now come and work in the UK as a High Potential Individual.

Which global universities are eligible for the UK HPI route?

Published on May 6, 2022, the list of eligible universities includes top universities from across the world. Do note that the present list of universities relates to qualifications awarded between November 1, 2021 and October 31, 2022.


High Potential Individual Visa Global Universities List 2021

Taken from the institutions that appeared on two or more lists for Top 50 rankings of the country. Total 37 global non-UK universities listed. Of these, 20 are US universities.




California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

University of Michigan Ann-Arbor

New York University (NYU)

Harvard University

Columbia University

Duke University

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

University of California, San Diego

Yale University

Cornell University

University of Pennsylvania

University of Chicago US

University of Washington

Stanford University

Princeton University

University of California, Berkeley

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

John Hopkins University

Northwestern University

University of Texas at Austin


McGill University

University of British Columbia

University of Toronto


University of Melbourne


University of Munich (LMU Munich)


Paris Sciences et Lettres – PSL Research University


Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL Switzerland)

STH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)


Karolinska Institute


Kyoto University

University of Tokyo


Nanyang Technological University (NTU)

National University of Singapore

Hong Kong

Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)

University of Hong Kong


Peking University

Tsinghua University


Note. Eligible universities must feature in the Top 50 rankings of at least two of the following:

  • Times Higher Education World University Rankings,
  • Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings, or
  • The Academic Ranking of World Universities.

The new UK work visa category under the post-Brexit points-based immigration system is aimed at attracting the “best and brightest” to the UK from around the world, irrespective of their nationality.

According to Rishi Sunak, the first Indian-origin British politician to become the Chancellor of the Exchequer, “The route means that the UK will grow as a leading international hub for innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship.” Incidentally, Sunak received his MBA degree from Stanford University, US.

Topics: UK, Migrate




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