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UK Business Groups Urge for Reforms in the New Points-Based Immigration System

Published on : November 8, 2020

Several UK business groups have called upon the government and urged that the new points-based immigration system may be reformed. 

The new points-based system is to come into effect in January 2021.

The new immigration system will take in factors like skills and language into account. All applicants must now have a total of 70 points to be eligible for receiving visas.

  • English speaking applicants with ‘appropriate skill levels’ and having a job offer from an ‘approved employer’ will get 50 points.
  • The other 20 points will make up for criteria like earning at least £25,600 ($33,000) or Having better qualifications in a STEM subject.

Such restrictions are likely to hamper recruitment in critical sectors of the economy.

The business groups are demanding an increase in flexibility and rewards for employers investing in local skills may be provided. This is to protect the vulnerable industries in the country. 

The new points-based system ends freedom of movement rule with EU post-Brexit. As of which EU citizens will also receive the same treatment in the UK as migrants from other parts of the world.

It was found that almost 63% or EU-born workers presently living within the UK will not be eligible for a skilled worker visa. Moreover, almost 80% of EU social care workers will not be eligible to migrate to the UK under the new rules. 

Topics: UK, Migrate




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