Published on : April 6, 2023
Countries the world over are launching visa schemes to attract the brightest and the best. Job seeker visas, also referred to as job search visas, are offered by many countries.
Labour shortages are being faced by many countries. The situation has become more acute after the COVID-19 pandemic situation worldwide. Job seeker visas are being looked upon as providing a solution for labour shortages.
A job seeker visa is an official permission from the government of a particular country granted to a foreign national, allowing them to enter and look for a job in that country.
No job offer or employment contract is required. A qualified foreign worker can enter a country as a job seeker and usually stay for up to 6 months.
There must be a clear commitment to search for a suitable job within the allotted period of stay. Job search related activities can be carried out for a specific period of time.
Upon finding a job in that country, the job seeker can apply for a Residence Permit for employment. In that situation, there will be no requirement for returning to the home country to apply through the relevant Embassy/Consulates.
Top countries that grant job seeker visas to Indian nationals include, among others -
Germany Job Seeker Visa is a long-term visa that lets you stay for up to 6 months while you look for a job in Germany. Specific requirements must be met to be accepted by the German Government as a job seeker.
Who is eligible for a Germany Job Seeker Visa?
You will have to successfully meet the following to be considered eligible to apply -
The cost for a Germany Job Seeker Visa includes a visa application fee of EUR 75 (INR 6,738 approximately).
What are the requirements for a Germany Job Seeker visa?
Generally, you will have to provide documents such as -
STEP 1: Complete the application form online.
STEP 2: Make a visa appointment.
STEP 3: Get your documents together.
STEP 4: Attend the visa interview
STEP 5: Pay the visa fees.
You can stay in Portugal for 120 days as a job seeker. Unlike Germany JSV that can’t be extended, you can request an extension of 60 days on a Portugal JSV.
As of now, no specific details have been given on the eligibility qualifications. Nevertheless, as a job seeker you will require -
More details are expected soon.
You will need general as well as specific documents for Portugal JSV.
You will also have to submit certain specific documentation.
To apply for a Portugal JSV, you will have to submit specific documents, such as -
STEP 1: Create an online expression of interest to register with the Institute of Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP).
STEP 2: Get the declaration (of your EOI with IEFP) sent to you by email.
STEP 3: Apply online for a job search visa for Portugal.
STEP 4: Upload documents.
STEP 5: Get an appointment for submitting the application in person.
STEP 6: Submit application in person.
STEP 7: Pay visa fee.
STEP 8: Get a decision.
A UAE job seeker visa is a visit visa granted to a foreign national to explore job opportunities in the United Arab Emirates. There is no requirement for a host or sponsor. With a UAE visit visa for job seekers, you can enter and stay in the UAE for either -
To be eligible, you must -
You will need -
STEP 1: Register online at the official website of the General Directorate of Residency and Foreign Affairs Dubai (GDRFAD).
STEP 2: Apply for the visa.
STEP 3: Attach/upload all documentation.
STEP 4: Pay the visa fee.
STEP 5: Get a decision.
Recently introduced, the job seeker visa for Sweden is granted for 3 months and can be extended for another 6 months.
You can either seek employment or explore the possibilities of starting a business in Sweden.
To be eligible, you must have-
To apply online, you need -
STEP 1: FIll application form online.
STEP 2: Upload all required documents.
STEP 3: Submit application at the Embassy/Consulate.
The job seeker visa for Austria is a 6-month residence visa targeted at third-country (non-EU) nationals that want to go to Austria for job search. You must have a very high level of educational qualification to be eligible to apply.
You will have to get 70 points on criteria that assess your - educational background, age, gross salary of previous year, language skills etc.
You must meet the requirements to be considered a Highly Qualified Worker to be granted a Red-White-Red Card after entering Sweden as a job seeker.
STEP 1: Get the visa application form - Job Seeker Visa (Category D visa) - from the Austrian Embassy/Consulate.
STEP 2: Fill the application form.
STEP 3: Submit required documentation.
STEP 4: Get a decision.
Keep in mind that your job seeker visa for Austria will only be granted if the Public Employment Service (Arbeitsmarktservice - AMS) gives a confirmation that you have secured the required 70 points.
Job search visas are a good way of going to a country and checking out the employment opportunities in person. Applying and meeting prospective employers is mutually beneficial for both sides. The employer can assess your personality in a face-to-face interview. You can see for yourself if you would be a good fit in the company.
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