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Singapore and Canada become popular among business students

Singapore and Canada become popular among business students

Published on : October 29, 2020

According to a recent study, Singapore and Canada are becoming popular study destinations for international business students.

In a recent study conducted by the latest edition of the business of branding study, conducted by the Carrington Crisp and EFMD, it is revealed that Singapore is one of the top choices by the international students along with Canada,  the US(68%), the UK (67%) and Australia (40%). The study was conducted by taking the opinions of 1442 respondents from 50 countries between the period of May and June of  2020.

Even though the movement of the students across the countries is currently reduced, the impact of countries' brand in the decision making of international studies is greater than ever, revealed the study.

The survey also revealed that New Zealand is recognized internationally for having dealt with COVID-19 most efficiently. New Zealand dealt with the pandemic better than any other nation across the world, while the US is still struggling with various things, including the pandemic and a variety of Legislative changes, making it a less attractive nation for international students.

The students were asked about their educational destination in the recent study,Canada was their top priority rising from 38 % to 48%.

Singapore also became more popular as 40% of students chose it as their destination when only 15% chose it in the last year.

The author of the study, Andrew Crisp, said, "Having invested heavily in its education system, Singapore is seen increasingly as an important global business centre with an international outlook. It has been perceived to be coping well with the pandemic, at least in the early stages, and with problems in Hong Kong is perhaps seen as a good alternative for those interested in studying in Asia."

The study also revealed that the United States had come back from a decline in popularity, which was 50% in 2019, 62% in 2018, and 67% in 2017.

Crisp said, "There has been a lot of turbulence and it may be that international students anticipate a Trump loss in November and a return to more stable policies for international students.It could be the perception that short term issues whether political or health-related, which might have put them off, may be coming to an end."

The US scored 81%, the UK scored 79%, and France scored 45% in the quality of their academic institutions.

The study noted, " Both the US and UK have always had well-renowned universities and business schools, and these have continued to attract international students despite any domestic issues. For the UK specifically, the reintroduction of the two-year post-study work visa has made it more attractive."

International students are interested in studying in Netherlands (54%), as it is one of the most welcoming countries, followed by the UK (48%), Spain (37%), Canada, and Germany (36%).

In terms of ease of getting the visa,Germany comes on the top, with 64% of students preferring it, followed by Spain (56%), Netherlands(54%), and France (48%).

The four countries referred to as the most challenging countries to get visas for are China (2%), Japan(3%), India (5%), and the US (7%).

Topics: Study, Canada




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