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Canada PR

Indian students in Canada are more likely to obtain permanent residence

Published on : March 24, 2022

In January 2022, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship (IRCC) reported that the immigration applications had risen to approximately 1.8 million.

Canada has become one of the most welcoming countries for immigrants in the last two decades. Above all, the North American nation welcomes the growing number of international students and encourages them to stay in Canada after graduation.

Attract foreign students:

According the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) data, between January and October 2021, 97.5 percent of international graduates who applied for permanent residence in Canada were successful. They obtained a legal residence and work permit in the country. For all other applicants for permanent residence, this rate is 91.5 percent.

Also, according to data published by CIC News, international graduate students who worked during the study period or after graduation were more likely (60%) to become permanent residents. Additionally, those in higher-paying jobs were more likely to become permanent residents.

IRCC data reveals that Indian students constitute one of the largest populations of international students in Canada. The number of Indian students choosing to study in Canada has increased by almost 350% between the academic years 2015-16 and 2019-20. In the same way, from January to November 2021, nearly 1,30,000 Indian students were allowed to study in Canada.

The country is intensifying its immigration program to accept more new permanent residents, which means more opportunities for Indian international students in the country to stay after graduation from Canadian institutions.

Overall, the Canadian government's targets are to welcome 431,645 permanent residents in 2022, 447,055 in 2023 and 451,000 in 2024 as per the Immigration Levels Plan. In 2021, more than 405,000 people worldwide became new permanent residents, and the highest number of immigrants ever welcomed in a single year in Canadian history.

How to improve CRS score:

As the recruitment of international students as permanent residents has increased, the question now arises as to how Indian students can improve their CRS scores. Canada is well-known for having one of the smoothest and easiest immigration policies and processes. To ensure immigrants don't have to worry about complicated processes, the Canadian government follows a merit-based point system that assigns a score to each applicant in the Express Entry pool. Known as the Complete Ranking System & this points-based system helps students assess their chances of getting their study visa converted to PR.

The Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) is a point-based system to assess your profile and rank it in the Express Entry pool.

Points are allotted to the following categories: 

  • Age 
  • Level Of Education
  • Official Language Proficiency
  • Second Official Language
  • Canadian work experience.

The CRS system identifies highly skilled candidates from the Express Entry pool. He/she then invited to apply for permanent residence by the Canadian government. 

CRS considers four different factors to allot points on your profile.

  • Core or Human Capital Factor 
  • Spouse or common-in-law factor
  • Skill Transferability Factor 
  • Additional Factors 

CRS Points Table: 


Max Points

Core/Human Capital Factors

460 (with spouse)

560 (without spouse)

Spouse or Common-Law Factors


Skills Transferability Factors


Additional Points


Maximum Total Points



Here is how Indian Students can Improve their CRS 

This score can be increased in several ways. The first and most important thing for Indian students is to make sure that their mark at the English exam meets the qualification criteria. Canada considers the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) mark to assess the applicant's knowledge of English. You can improve your learning experience and earn more points for your CRS score. You can also gain Canadian learning experience to improve your overall score.

Topics: Migrate, Canada




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