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NOC Canada 2025 List: Find Your Occupation In- Demand List 

The National Occupation Classification (NOC) system is a 5-digit occupational code used to categorize an occupation in the Canadian labour market.

What is the NOC list of Canada?

The National Occupational Classification list is a database developed by the government of Canada categorizing all occupations present in the Canadian labour market.

On November 16, 2022, Canada switched to the 2021 version of the National Occupational Classification (NOC).

Express Entry: If you want to immigrate to Canada through Express Entry, you must have skilled work experience in any 1 of the NOC 2021 Training, Education, Experience and Responsibilities (TEER) categories, such as -

  • TEER 0
  • TEER 1
  • TEER 2
  • TEER 3

Atlantic Immigration Program: If you want to immigrate to Canada through the Atlantic Immigration Program your work experience must be in any of the following -

  • TEER 0
  • TEER 1
  • TEER 2
  • TEER 3
  • TEER 4

TEER stands for Training, Education, Experience and Responsibilities.

Finding your NOC code and skill level


Management occupations, such as - 

  • Financial Manager
  • Public relations manager

Professional jobs that usually need university degree, such as - 

  • Software engineers
  • Financial advisors

Technical jobs and skilled trades that need at least 2 years’ college or apprenticeship, such as - 

  • Web technician
  • Medical laboratory technologist

Technical jobs and skilled trades generally needing less than 2 years of college or apprenticeship, such as - 

  • Bakers
  • Dental assistants

Intermediate jobs usuallying calling for high school and/or job-specific training, such as - 

  • Retail salesperson
  • Home child care provider

Jobs that need no formal education, only requiring short-term work demonstration, such as - 

  • Delivery service drivers
  • Grounds maintenance labourers

What should you do if you don’t have NOC?

You should check for other NOC codes if you don't have a NOC. Select a NOC code that will be relevant to your job.

List of high-demand occupations in Canada

The most in-demand jobs in Canada are listed below. With effect from November 16, 2022, the job codes have been changed to 5-digit unique codes as per NOC 2021 Version 1.0.

Job Title 

Old NOC Code

(As per NOC 2016 Version 1.3)

New NOC Code 

(As per NOC 2021 Version 1.0)

Finance Manager

NOC 0111

NOC 10010

HR Manager

NOC 0112

NOC 10011 

Engineering Manager

NOC 0211

NOC 20010

Computer and Information Systems Manager

NOC 0213

NOC 20012

Constructions Managers

NOC 0711

NOC 70010

Financial Auditors and Accountants

NOC 1111

NOC 11100

Financial and Investment Analyst

NOC 1112

NOC 11101

Other Financial Officers

NOC 1114

NOC 11109

Supervisor, General Officer, and Administrative Support Workers

NOC 1211

NOC 12010


NOC 1414

NOC 14101

Electrical and Electronics Engineer

NOC 2133

NOC 21310 

Web Designers and Developers

NOC 2175

NOC 21233, Web Designers 

NOC 21234  –  Web developers and programmers 

Registered Nurse and Registered Psychiatric Nurse

NOC 3012

NOC 31301

Business Development Officers

NOC 4163

NOC 41402

Retail and wholesale buyers

NOC 6222

NOC 62101

Sales and Account Representatives 

NOC 6411

NOC 64101

Heavy-duty Equipment Mechanics

NOC 7312

NOC 72401

Welders and related machine operators 

NOC 7237

NOC 72106

Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors 

NOC 2271

NOC 72600

Transport Truck Drivers

NOC 7511

NOC 73300

Heavy Equipment Operators

NOC 7521

NOC 73400

Construction Trade Helpers and Labourers

NOC 7611

NOC 75110


How many days will it take to get NOC?

It will take 3-4 hours to get a NOC through initial evaluation services. It will take 48 hours to get the NOC at the most.

What should you do if your efficiency matches multiple NOC codes?

If your efficiency matches more than one occupation, then you cannot claim both. The process mentioned below will  help you to claim multiple NOC code.
  • You need to provide a reference employment letter from your past employers to claim a NOC code.
  • You must resolve which one best fits your experience.
  • Visa officers at Kansas Overseas will review your application thoroughly with the NOC matrix.  They will reject your application if your NOC code doesn’t match with the occupation.

Is my option to acquire a job impossible as I do not have a license for that NOC?

Apply under the NOC your work experience related closest to. You will not be refused if you don't have a license, but it is very common to have issues when the description of your duties does not match your NOC. Your best option would be to contact an immgration consultancy who will guide you correctly.

Skill Levels and Skill Types of a NOC

NOC 2021 Version 1.0 overhauled the Skill Level structure of Canada’s National Occupational Classification (NOC). A new TEER categorization - representing the degree of Training, Education, Experience and Responsibilities - has been introduced. A new 5-digit NOC code will be applicable in place of the previous 4-digit codes.  

The TEER levels and the broad occupational categories under the new NOC code of Canada are as follows - 

Comparison of Skill Levels between NOC 2016 & NOC 2021

NOC 2016

NOC 2021

Skill Type 0 (zero)

Management jobs 


Management occupations 

Skill Level A

Professional Jobs


Occupations usually needing a university degree

Skill Level B

Technical jobs & skilled trades usually calling for college diploma or apprentice training 


Occupations usually requiring a college diploma or apprenticeship training of 2 or more years 

Skill Level C 

Intermediate jobs usually calling for high school & job-specific training 


Occupations usually requiring a college diploma or apprenticeship training of less than 2 years 

Skill Level D 

Labour jobs that usually give on-the-job training 


Occupations usually requiring a secondary school diploma or several weeks of on-the-job training




Occupations usually requiring no formal education with short-term work demonstration 


Comparison of Broad Occupational Categories between NOC 2016 & NOC 2021

NOC 2016

NOC 2021


Business, finance and administration occupations


Legislative and senior management occupations 


Natural and applied sciences and related occupations 


Business, finance and administration occupations 


Health occupations 


Natural and applied sciences and related occupations 


Occupations in education, law and social, community & government services 


Health occupations 


Occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport


Occupations in education, law and social, community & government services  


Sales and service occupations 


Occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport


Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations 


Sales and service occupations 


Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations


Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations 


Occupations in manufacturing and utilities 


Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations 




Occupations in manufacturing and utilities


The first digit of the 5-digit NOC code refers to the occupational category. The second digit is for the TEER categorization. An example of NOC 21233 is given below for reference. 

NOC 21233 for Web Designers 


NOC 2021 Code 


Broad occupational group 


Natural and applied sciences and related occupations 



Occupations generally requiring a university degree 

Major group 


Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences

Sub-major group


Professional occupations in applied sciences (except engineering)

Minor group


Computer, software and Web designers and developers 


National occupational classification Code or NOC code is just a number. You can identify your correct NOC by searching in the NOC database. Follow the steps to find your correct NOC:

  • Check your NOC using your job title. The job duties must relate to your current position.
  • Apply for Canadian Permanent Residence through skilled worker programs and Express Entry Programs. To gain approval, submit a reference letter from current previous employers.

What are some other programs you are eligible for with a NOC?

There are various Canadian immigration programs that require you to apply with an NOC code.

Depending on the skill type of the NOC codes they are:

Express Entry

To be eligible to get a Canada PR visa as a federal skilled worker under the Express Entry system, you must have skilled work experience in any 1 of the following NOC TEER categories - 

  • TEER 0
  • TEER 1
  • TEER 2
  • TEER 3

Atlantic Immigration Program

To be eligible, you must have worked in any 1 of the following - 

  • TEER 0
  • TEER 1
  • TEER 2
  • TEER 3
  • TEER 4 

Provincial Nominee Program

Each of the PNP streams has its own requirements. For example, to be eligible for Ontario PNP Human Capital Priorities (HCP) stream, you must have experience in either TEER 0, 1, 2, or 3. 

Similarly, for British Columbia PNP Skills Immigration, you will be required to have worked in a job that comes under TEER 0, 1, 2, or 3.  

How can Kansas help?

Kansas Overseas Careers is the best visa consultant in India. Don’t take our word for it, we have the numbers to prove it. Served 20K+ customers and over 3K+ active cases.

  • Visit Visa: Travel for leisure or business to any part of the world with Kansas.
  • Study Visa: Study in Globally-recognized Universities!
  • Work Visa: Work & settle in the World’s Best Cities!
  • Immigration: We are your one-stop solution for all your visa and immigration needs
  • Permanent Residence: Become a Permanent Resident and enjoy special benefits.

Customized services:

  • Profile Evaluation: Based on your unique profile history, we make matches with the visa eligibility requirements, and advise you with the visas you must apply for.
  • Resume Writing: We guide you to create a resume that stands out as desired by the concerned immigration authority.
  • Procuring documents: Help you arrange documents needed before applying for a visa.
  • Professional guidance: Be it providing you with interview training, French/English courses or working samples for resumes, cover letters or assisting with application forms, medical or police clearance certificates - we will always be there for you.
  • Dedicated Case-Officer: We offer personal assistance and a single point-of-contact between the company and you, throughout the process
  • Post-Landing Services: We help you settle down in the country after you’ve received your visa. These services are specifically customized as per your requirements.

Don’t wait. Begin your visa application today!

Other Important FAQs

Why is the NOC system used?

The NOC system is used to classify the jobs. These jobs are grouped based on the type of:

  • Job duties
  • Work a person does

What is an employment reference letter?

An employment reference letter provides the following information about the applicant that is required during the immigration process.
  • Job title
  • Salary
  • The average hours of work per week
  • The dates of employment
  • The detailed list of employment duties and responsibilities

Where can you get a reference employment letter from?

You can get a reference employment letter from your employer.

What can you do if you cannot get a reference letter from your employer?

If you cannot get a reference employment letter from your employer, then you have to explain it to the visa officer. Provide supporting documents for your NOC code to the visa officer. These supporting documents include a letter that explains you cannot provide a reference employment letter.

Why is NOC used?

NOC is used for immigration and job purposes.

  • You can select your NOC for immigration purposes. Then you may consult an immigration professional to choose a correct NOC code.
  • Government job boards such as job banks post their jobs using NOC code. So, you can effortlessly search for jobs using NOC codes.

How to immigrate to Canada if my job is at TEER 4 or 5?

If your job is at TEER 4 or 5 as per NOC 2021, you can consider applying under -

  • Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)
  • Atlantic Immigration Program
  • Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP)

Alternatively, you might be able to work in Canada for up to 2 years.

What are NOC major and minor groups? Explain with examples.

Under 2021 NOC Version 1.0 applicable since November 16, 2022, the first and second digit represent the major group which is as per - 

  • First digit for the broad occupational category
  • Second digit for TEER

A 2-digit major group code is used by the NOC as the major group contains within itself many different sub-major groups. There are a total of 45 major groups in NOC 2021. 

While the major group is of 2 digits, the minor group is a 4-digit one and stands for the specific field than an occupation is carried out in. As of now, there are 162 minor groups in Canada’s NOC system. 

For example, NOC 11200 for Human Resources Professional has ‘11’ as the major group. The minor group is ‘1120’. 

NOC 11200 for Human Resources Professional  


NOC 2021 Code 


Broad occupational group 


Business, finance and administration occupations 



Occupations generally requiring a university degree 

Major group 


Professional occupations in finance and business

Sub-major group


Professional occupations in business

Minor group


Human resources and business service professionals 

What is the importance of Canada’s NOC?

National Occupational Classification is very important to Canadian office administrators. The IRCC uses the NOC system to analyze the skill shortage in Canada. The importance of the NOC system of Canada is listed below.
  • The NOC helps both the Canadian government and employers to choose the right candidate. The NOC system identifies the correct candidate according to the job duties.
  • The NOC system provides information about each occupation. This information includes job title, description, and responsibilities related to the occupation.
  • The NOC system is significantly important to the Canadian Immigration Process. You cannot apply for other programs without a NOC code.
  • NOC skill level identifies the occupation and classifies them based on type and amount of training.

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