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New Zealand study visa process
Y Sindhura
Y Sindhura

With 8 years of experience in the overseas division, Sindhura is a specialist in Canada, Australia, UK and Germany visa process.

New Zealand Study Visa Process in 5 Simple Steps!

New Zealand is a top destination for international students. It is known for its high-quality education, diverse English-language courses, globally recognized qualifications and student-friendly atmosphere.

Learn about the different types of study visas, their requirements and more.

Why Study in New Zealand?

  • Peaceful Environment: New Zealand ranks second in the 2024 Global Peace Index at 1.313%. It boasts a robust economy and low discrimination, making it highly welcoming to immigrants.
  • Independent Learning Approach: Like the UK, New Zealand universities emphasize independent learning. Tutors facilitate group discussions and debates to foster deep understanding among students.
  • Advantages for PhD Students: PhD students in New Zealand pay the same fees as residents. They can work full-time, enhancing their course engagement and benefiting from advanced infrastructure.
  • Supportive Government Initiatives: New Zealand's government initiatives, like the four-day workweek, promote work-life balance and support a positive environment for study and living.
  • Academic Excellence: New Zealand universities offer top QS-ranked education with advanced technology and practical insights from experienced tutors, enriching students' learning experiences.

Types of Student/Study Visas for New Zealand


Types of Student Visa



Fee-Paying Student Visa

Allows full-time study for up to four years and permits part-time work.


Exchange Student Visa

For students in approved exchange programs; allows full-time study for up to four years.


Foreign Government Supported Student Visa

For students with a foreign government loan or scholarship; allows full-time study for up to four years.


Pathway Student Visa

Allows study for up to five years across three consecutive courses and permits part-time work.


Visa Support

How to Apply for a Study Visa?

Visa Type

Steps Involved

Immigration Costs

Pathway Student Visa

1. Enrol with a Pathway Education Provider

NZD 395


- Obtain a letter outlining your study plan


- Obtain an official offer of a place


- For multiple providers, provide a joint letter and separate offers


2. Apply for Your Visa


- Apply online, upload documents, and pay fees


- Specify 'Pathway Student Visa' in the application


- Provide all requested information and pay the application fee and immigration levy


3. Await Visa Decision


- Immigration New Zealand will contact you if further action is needed


-An interim visa may be issued if the current visa expires before the decision


Applying for a Student Visa

1. Gather Your Documents

NZD 430


- Prepare necessary documentation


2. Submit Your Application


- Apply online, upload documents, and pay fees


- Use the student visa application checklist


3. Await Visa Decision


- Immigration New Zealand will contact you if additional information is required


Exchange Student Visa

1. Apply for a Place in a Student Exchange Scheme

NZD 430


- Get accepted into an approved scheme


- Apply for a Student Visa once the exchange confirmed


- No earlier than 60 days before the exchange starts


2. Apply for a Student Visa


- Apply online, upload documents, and pay fees


- Specify 'Exchange Student Visa' in the application


3. Await Visa Decision


- Immigration New Zealand will notify you of the decision timeframe


Fee Paying Student Visa

1. Gather Your Documents

NZD 430


- Collect required documents


2. Submit Your Application


- Apply online, upload documents, and pay fees


- Use the student visa application checklist


3. Await Visa Decision


- Immigration New Zealand will process the application within a specified timeframe



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Fee-Paying Student Visa

A Fee-Paying Student Visa allows international students to study full-time in New Zealand at the course specified on their visa.

This includes primary and secondary schools, tertiary institutions (such as universities and colleges), and English language courses. Students must attend the place of study endorsed on their visa.

With this visa, you can:

  • Study full-time at the course stated on your visa.
  • Work part-time up to 20 hours a week during the academic year and full-time during scheduled holidays, as per visa conditions.
  • Live independently if you are above a certain age; otherwise, you must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

New Zealand Student Visa: An All-Inclusive Guide for 2024

Document Requirements for Fee-Paying Student Visa





- One acceptable photo (online) or two photos (paper form)

- Passport or certificate of identity

- Upload a passport copy if applying online

- Might need to send passport after applying online

 - Original or certified passport copy for paper applications


- May need chest X-ray or medical exam

- No chest X-ray if staying <6 months

- No medical certificate if staying <12 months

- Chest X-ray required if from high TB-risk country


- Police certificates if aged 17+ and staying >24 months

- Certificates from country of citizenship and countries lived in for >5 years since age 17

- No new certificates if provided within the last 36 months with previous visa application

- No need if under 20 with a student visa

Genuine Intentions

- Genuine intention to meet visa conditions

- Assessed based on provided information and personal circumstances

Offer of Place

- Offer from the approved education provider

- Details of course, duration, tuition fees, study type, holiday dates

- If under 18, confirmation of compliance with 'The Code of Pastoral Care for International Students'

Tuition Fees

- Proof of tuition fee payment

- Letter from an education provider, government loan documentation, or scholarship proof

- For multiple courses or study >1 year, show funds for the first year and plan for subsequent years

Medical & Travel Insurance

- Full insurance coverage for the entire stay

- Coverage must include travel, medical care, emergency transportation, and death-related costs

- PhD students exempt

Existing Student Visa

- Proof of progress and attendance if renewing

- Academic transcripts, letters from education providers, or attendance records


- Proof of sufficient living funds

- NZD 20,000/year or NZD 1,667/month for tertiary study

- Documents can include a sponsorship form or financial undertaking form

Onward Travel

- Return ticket or funds to buy one

- Evidence can include a travel ticket, proof of funds, or sponsorship form


- Accompanied by parent/guardian if under 9, unless living in approved school hostel

- Proof of guardianship and living arrangements

Permission to Work

- Written permission if aged 16-17 or in years 12-13 for work up to 20 hours/week or full-time during holidays

- Permission from parents/guardian and education provider required

Full-Time Vacation Work

- Proof of holidays and course requirements

- Details of scheduled holidays and course credits from the education provider

Practical Experience (Optional)

- Evidence of required practical work experience

- Letter from education provider or course outline detailing requirement


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Exchange Student Visa

An Exchange Student Visa allows individuals from outside New Zealand, accepted into an approved student exchange scheme, to study full-time in the country.

This visa is designed for students participating in school-to-school exchanges, exchange programs organized by exchange organizations, or tertiary exchanges.

What can I do with the Exchange Student Visa?

This visa allows you to:

  • Study full-time in New Zealand through a school-to-school exchange, an exchange programme organisation scheme, or a tertiary exchange.
  • Work part-time up to 20 hours a week while studying, or full-time during holidays, depending on your age and study duration.

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Document Requirements for Exchange Student Visa




- 1 acceptable photo (online) or 2 photos (paper).
- Passport or certificate of identity
- Upload passport for online applications.


- Provide original passport or certified copy for paper applications for faster processing.


- Must be in good health
- Possible need for chest X-ray, medical exam, or both
- Less than 6 months: No chest X-ray
- Less than 12 months: No medical certificate
- Provide medical certificates if requested.


- Must be of good character
- Criminal convictions or security risks may affect visa approval
- Police certificates are required if staying 24 months or more
- Not needed for ages 16 or younger
- Certificates must be less than 6 months old.

Genuine Intentions

- Intentions assessed based on application information, personal circumstances, and previous applications.

Offer of Place

- Must have an offer from an approved education provider for school or tertiary exchange programs
- Not needed if through an Exchange Programme Organisation (EPO); a letter from the EPO suffices.

Approved Exchange Scheme

- Proof of acceptance into an approved student exchange scheme, such as a letter from the organiser.

Permission to Work

- Ages 16-17 or Years 12-13: Written permission from parents/guardian, education provider, and Exchange Provider Organisation
- Ages 18+: No permission is needed for summer holiday work.

Full-Time Vacation Work Rights

- Proof of holiday schedule from the education provider
- Course value of 120 credits, indicated on fee receipt or correspondence.

Practical Experience (Optional)

- If required, provide a letter or course outline showing the practical work requirement.


- Must apply from outside New Zealand.

Onward Travel

- Proof of arrangements to leave New Zealand, such as a travel ticket or a guarantee from the student exchange scheme’s New Zealand guarantor.


Visa Help

Foreign Government Supported Student Visa

The Foreign Government Supported Student Visa is a special visa for international students who have a foreign government loan or scholarship. This visa allows you to study full-time in New Zealand for more than 3 months.

Points to Note

  • You can only apply if the country supporting your study has an education agreement with New Zealand.
  • If you want to bring your partner or children, they can apply for visas based on their relationship with you.

Who can apply for the Foreign Government Supported Student Visa?

If you have a foreign government loan or scholarship, you can apply for this visa to study full-time in New Zealand for more than 3 months.

What can I do with this visa?

With this visa, you can:

  • Study full-time at the course stated on your visa, including schools, tertiary education, and English language courses.
  • Work part-time up to 20 hours a week while studying and full-time during holidays, depending on your visa conditions.
  • Live independently if you meet the age requirement, otherwise, you must come with your parent or legal guardian.

Best SOP Format to Get Student Visa

Foreign Government-Supported Student Visa Requirements





Proof of Identity

Provide 1 photo (online) or 2 photos (paper), and your passport or certificate of identity.


Online Applications

Upload a copy of your passport. You might need to send the physical passport after applying.


Paper Applications

Submit the original passport or a certified copy for faster processing.


Good Health

You might need a chest X-ray, medical exam, or both.


Short Stays

No chest X-ray is needed for stays under 6 months. No medical certificate needed for stays under 12 months.


Health Processing

You will be informed if a chest X-ray or medical exam is required during application processing.


Medical Certificates

Provide if requested.


Good Character

Criminal convictions or security risks may disqualify you.


Police Certificates

Needed if your total time in NZ will be 24+ months, excluding applicants under 17 or those with recent certificates.


Previous Applications

Police certificates from past applications under 24 months old can be reused. Certificates must be less than 6 months old at application time.

Genuine Intentions

Genuine Intentions

You must genuinely intend to meet visa conditions. This is assessed based on your provided information and personal circumstances.

Foreign Government Support

Government Support Letter

Your government must have an education agreement with NZ and agree to pay your tuition fees and living expenses, confirming your good character.

Offer of Place

Approved Education Provider

Provide an offer of place or confirmation of enrolment, stating course details, tuition fee arrangements, and study mode (full-time/part-time).


Additional Documents

Information about scheduled holidays can be provided separately.

Existing Student Visa

Academic Performance

Show proof of course progress and attendance if you already hold a student visa.

Onward Travel

Travel Arrangements

Provide evidence of a return ticket, enough funds to buy one, or a sponsor's form for onward travel.

A parent or Legal Guardian


Under 10s must be accompanied by a parent/guardian unless staying in an approved school hostel.


Proof of Care

Provide evidence that the parent/guardian has legal care rights and has been responsible for your education.


Separate Applications

The accompanying parent/guardian must apply for their visa separately.

Permission to Work

Work Rights for Ages 16-17

Obtain written permission from parents/guardians and education provider to work up to 20 hours per week or full-time in summer holidays.

Full-time Vacation Work Rights

Proof of Holidays

Provide details of scheduled holidays and course credit information from your education provider.

Practical Experience (Optional)

Course Requirement

Provide a letter or course outline showing that practical work experience is part of your course.

Accommodation (Under 18)

Code of Pastoral Care

Statement from education provider confirming compliance with the 'Code of Pastoral Care for International Students'.

Medical Insurance

Insurance Declaration

Agree to hold medical insurance for the duration of your stay on a student visa.


Prepare Documents

Pathway Student Visa

A Pathway Student Visa allows you to study up to three courses consecutively on a single student visa.

Points to Note

  • The visa duration is sufficient to complete your qualification plan.
  • You must meet the prerequisites for any second and third courses in your study pathway to remain in New Zealand on a Pathway Student Visa.

What can I do with a Pathway Student Visa?

  • Study up to three courses one after another.
  • Work part-time up to 20 hours a week during your studies.
  • Work full-time during holidays, depending on your course of study.

Can I include my partner or children in my application?

No, you cannot include your partner or dependent children in your student visa application. However, they can apply for their own visas based on their relationship to you.

What are the Major New Zealand Study Visa Requirements?

Pathway Student Visa Document Requirements




- Provide 1 photo (online) or 2 photos (paper application)


- Passport or certificate of identity


- Be in good health


- May need chest X-ray or medical exam


- Provide police certificates if required

Genuine Intentions

- Show genuine intent to meet visa conditions

Study Pathways

- Offer of valid study pathway

Offer of Place

- Have an offer from an approved education provider

Tuition Fees

- Prove ability to pay tuition fees


- Show proof of sufficient funds for living expenses

Onward Travel

- Have a return ticket or funds for onward travel

Medical Insurance

- Must have full medical insurance

Guardian (if under 9)

- Proof of parental care and legal right to provide care

Permission to Work

- Need written permission to work if under 18

Vacation Work Rights

- Provide holiday schedule and course details

Practical Experience

- Provide evidence if required for the course

Already Have Visa

- Show progress and attendance records


Study Abroad

When to Apply for a Study Visa

It's best to apply four months before your planned travel date, but this may not be possible for everyone. There's no strict deadline, but you should allow at least eight weeks for visa processing.

Cost of Study Visa

Visa Type

Cost (NZD)

Cost (INR)

Fee Paying Student Visa

NZD 375

INR 19,145.44

Exchange Student Visa

NZD 375

INR 19,145.44

Foreign Government Supported Student Visa

NZD 375

INR 19,145.44

Pathway Student Visa

NZD 375

INR 19,145.44


USA Student Visa: Process, Requirements (& Interview Tips)

Duration of Stay for Study Visa

Visa Type

Duration of Stay

Fee-Paying Student Visa

Up to 4 years

Exchange Student Visa

Duration of exchange, up to 4 years

Foreign Government Supported Student Visa

Up to 4 years

Pathway Student Visa

Up to 5 years


Processing Time for Study Visa

Visa Type

Processing Time

Foreign Government Supported Student Visa

6 weeks

Pathway Student Visa

8 weeks

Exchange Student Visa

2 weeks

Fee Paying Student Visa

8 weeks


Visa Consultation

Facts About New Zealand Education

  • All study programs in New Zealand are overseen by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority to uphold international standards.
  • Government scholarships support many research programs, aiding students financially.
  • Living expenses and tuition fees in New Zealand are lower compared to the UK, US, Canada, and Australia.
  • The Fee Paying Student Visa allows students to work while studying.
  • Government and university scholarships often cover 100% of living expenses, tuition fees, and health insurance.

New Zealand Student Visa: An All-Inclusive Guide for 2024

Top 8 University to Study in New Zealand for Indian Students

New Zealand Rank

World Rank




The University of Auckland



University of Otago



Massey University



Victoria University of Wellington



University of Waikato



University of Canterbury



Lincoln University



Auckland University of Technology (AUT)


Why Choose Kansas?

At Kansas Overseas Careers, we pride ourselves on being India's premier immigration consultancy. We have successfully assisted over 20,000 satisfied customers with 3,000+ active cases.

Explore the World with Kansas:

  • Visit Visa: We make global travel easy, whether for leisure or business.
  • Study Visa: We help you gain admission to top universities worldwide.
  • Work Visa: We assist in finding job opportunities and settling in the best global cities.
  • Immigration: We offer comprehensive solutions for all your immigration needs.
  • Permanent Residence: We help secure permanent residency with exclusive benefits.

Our Customized Services:

  • Profile Evaluation: We assess your unique profile to determine visa eligibility.
  • Resume Writing: Our experts create standout resumes tailored for immigration authorities.
  • Document Procurement: We assist in gathering all necessary visa application documents.
  • Professional Guidance: From interview training to language courses (French/English), we provide continuous support.
  • Dedicated Case Officer: Enjoy personal assistance with a single point of contact throughout the application process.
  • Post-Landing Services: We ensure you settle comfortably in your new country with personalized support.

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Other FAQs

1. What kind of work are you not allowed to undertake while on a student visa?

You cannot undertake permanent employment or self-employment while on a student visa in New Zealand.

2. Are there any age restrictions for applying for a New Zealand study visa?

No, there are no specific age restrictions for applying for a New Zealand study visa.

3. What are the job opportunities for international students in New Zealand on a study visa?

International students can work up to 20 hours per week during term time and full-time during scheduled holidays. They can find employment in various sectors such as hospitality, retail, and administrative roles.

4. What are the rules for applying for permanent residency in New Zealand after studying on a study visa?

After completing their studies, international students may apply for a post-study work visa. Depending on their qualifications and job offer, they may be eligible to apply for permanent residency through pathways like the Skilled Migrant Category or employer sponsorship.

5. What is the validity period of a New Zealand study visa?

The validity period of a New Zealand study visa varies based on the duration of the course. It typically allows students to stay in New Zealand for the duration of their study program.

6. How long does it take to process a New Zealand study visa?

Processing times for a New Zealand study visa vary, but generally, 80% of applications are processed within 6 weeks.

7. What are the rules for post-graduation work permits in New Zealand on a study visa?

Graduates from New Zealand institutions may be eligible for a post-study work visa. It allows them to work in New Zealand for up to 3 years, depending on the level of their qualification and the location of their course.

8. How can Indian students demonstrate English language proficiency for the student visa?

Indian students can demonstrate English language proficiency through standardized tests such as IELTS, TOEFL, PTE Academic, or Cambridge English exams.

9. How much funds are needed for a New Zealand student visa?

International students generally need to prove sufficient funds to cover their tuition fees, living expenses, and return travel costs. The exact amount depends on the length and nature of the course.

10. How long will it take for your student visa application to be processed?

80% of student visa applications for New Zealand are processed within 6 weeks.

11. How much time and money are needed to get a New Zealand student visa?

The time and cost involved in getting a New Zealand student visa include application processing fees, visa application charges, and the time needed to gather the required documents and complete the application process.

12. What are the healthcare requirements for a New Zealand study visa?

International students are required to have appropriate medical and travel insurance for the duration of their stay in New Zealand, covering medical expenses, emergency evacuation, and repatriation.

13. What are the benefits of studying in New Zealand on a study visa?

Benefits include access to high-quality education institutions, opportunities for post-study work, exposure to a multicultural environment, and potential pathways to permanent residency.

14. What are the rules for internships and work placements on a New Zealand study visa?

Internships and work placements must be an integral part of the course and approved by the educational institution. They are typically governed by specific conditions outlined in the visa.

15. What are the documents required for a New Zealand study visa application?

Required documents include a valid passport, an offer of place from an approved New Zealand education provider, evidence of sufficient funds, medical and travel insurance, and proof of English language proficiency.

Study Overseas

Topics: Study, New Zealand, Study-in-New-Zealand
